Our Approach
We wanted to show you a little bit about what we do. Tile Techniques doesn't only do the large, upscale houses and commercial jobs. We do also do remodel work, repairs, design work, and consultation. No matter what the size of the job, we ensure quality materials, professional installation, and fair pricing.

This particular kitchen floor remodel had several floors layered upon each other. Two layers of old Vinyl flooring, each with a 1/4" subfloor, and then a layer of "kitchen carpet" on top of that. The best remedy for the height problems on this job was determined to get back to the original subfloor. Using specialized tools and equipment, strong backs and some elbow grease, we got it. All stray nails were pulled and the floor has been swept clean.

This picture shows the cement board underlayment installed. Cement board is one of the best substrates to lay tile on; this is in part because thin-set is a cement based product as well. The dark lines are the seams of the sheets that have fiberglass mesh tape and thin-set that has been trowelled smooth. The thin-set fills the small joints between the sheets and with the tape once dried increases the strength of the floor.

Here we can see that the tile has been installed using thin-set. On this particular job the homeowner opted for a "half-bond" or "brick-bond" pattern. At this point the floor cannot be walked on until the following day to allow the thin-set to cure.
The floor has been grouted with a coordinating grout color and has been washed and wiped clean. This floor will be safe to walk on with no harm to the grout the following morning. The grout will be fully cured in three days, at which point a sealer could be installed if so desired.